Catfish Farming Step - How to feed your Fishes

In this article on stocking your pond, I said you can stock your pond with fundamentally 4 kinds of catfishes:

Fingerlings (3 to 4 grams)

Post-fingerlings (4 – 6 grams)

Adolescent (6 – 10 grams)

Post-adolescent (10 grams or more)

With regards to feeding catfishes, there's nobody estimate fits all feed; there's a ton of varieties and variables to be thought about relying upon the extent of your fishes.

Type of Catfish Feed

Since there are distinctive phases of catfish development, there are diverse phases of fish feed; angle feed are regularly signified in mm, so you'll see/find out about 1.5mm feed, 1.8mm feed, 2mm feed, 4mm feed, 6mm feed and so on.

There's likewise sink (or floating) and non-sink (or sinking) feed.

Expelled (floating) catfish feed

Expelled (floating) catfish feed

What I prescribe is to give your fishes expelled (or floating) feed for up to 2 months before changing to the non-expelled (or sinking) feed.

Non-expelled (sinking) catfish feed

Non-expelled (sinking) catfish feed

Catfishes are generally scavengers, so by their extremely nature they are intended to eat non-expelled (or sinking) feed, yet the reason I prescribe giving them floating feed at the beginning period is on the grounds that they are more delicate at that point.

With floating feed, you can put the feed on the lake bit by bit and let them eat it; the danger of overfeeding is altogether diminished, accordingly guaranteeing there is no water contamination that can prompt high mortality in your extremely delicate adolescents.

Besides, because of their delicate nature, giving your adolescents feed that isn't rich with the correct supplements can influence their long haul development; running with floating feed from perceived makers like Durante, Cargill Aqua Feed, Raanan, and Coppens will guarantee ideal development of your fishes, notwithstanding when you later change to sinking feed involving your own equation.

All things considered, the best feed makers that I suggest and have utilized are Aqua Feed, Durante and Raanan; I've heard that Coppens could be the best, yet there are heaps of tainted forms of it here in Nigeria, so I won't prescribe it since the unpracticed farmer could succumb to these corrupted adaptations.

From my examination, I have likewise seen that Aqua Feed, Coppens and Raanan are accessible universally, so my proposal isn't limited to simply Nigeria.

What Feed Size to Give Your Catfishes

Like I said before, there are different fish feed sizes, regardless of whether you go for floating or sinking feed; sinking feed is normally greater, and more, than floating feed.

From my experience, here are the diverse sizes I'm as of now mindful of:

1.5mm, 1.8mm, 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, and so on.

The greater you angles, the greater the feed estimate they can pick.

This is what I suggest in the event that you simply supplied your lakes, if your fishes fall into the accompanying classes:

Fingerlings (3 to 4 grams): 1.5mm feed estimate

Post-fingerlings (4 – 6 grams): 1.8mm feed estimate

Adolescent (6 – 10 grams): 2mm feed estimate

Post-adolescent (10 – 50 grams): 2mm feed measure

As your fishes develop, the span of feed they can pick will increment. Here's the feed estimate I prescribe for greater fishes, in light of their size/weight, in case you're to give them floating feed:

10 – 50 grams: 2mm feed estimate

50 – 150 grams: 3mm feed measure

150 – 400 grams: 4mm feed estimate

Taking all things into account, your fishes ought to be around 200 – 300 grams in 2 months with floating feed alone, in the event that they are being bolstered legitimately; after at that point, you can change to sinking feed and give them the accompanying feed sizes:

200 – 300 grams: 2mm feed measure

300 to 600 grams: 4mm feed measure

600 grams to 1kg+: 6mm feed measure

On the off chance that your fishes surpass 1kg in weight, and you're ready to get greater feed sizes, at that point you can consider giving them 8mm, or even later 10mm, feed sizes. 3 to 4kg fishes eat 6mm sinking feed fine and dandy, however, so don't stress excessively in the event that you can't discover greater feed sizes.

How Often Should You Feed Your Fishes?

2 months old catfishes eating

2 months old catfishes eating

How regularly you feed your fishes will contrast contingent upon a considerable measure of elements, however for the outcomes I get – a normal of 1.5kg to 2kg fish estimate in a half year – this is what I suggest:

Fingerlings (3 to 4 grams): twice every day

Post-fingerlings (4 – 6 grams): a few times every day

Adolescent (6 – 10 grams): a few times every day

Post-adolescent (10 grams or more): once every day

Anything above post-adolescent: once every day

Things being what they are, I feed my fishes day by day until the point when they achieve the a half year point when I offer them; this is significant on the off chance that you need ideal outcomes.

Type of Catfish Feeding

There are two feeding composes I use for my fishes:

Communicate Feeding: This essentially includes me going round my lakes and spreading floating feed everywhere throughout the lake to guarantee every one of the fishes in the lake can eat.

I utilize this for my fishes in the event that they are in the fingerlings to post-adolescent stage, and I do this since they just got brought into an extensive waterway, regularly from some place altogether littler, and not every one of the fishes can go to a similar spot to eat.

By spreading the floating (or expelling) angle over the lake, I'm guaranteeing they all get the opportunity to eat.

Once my fishes turn out to be more develop, frequently this is in the post-adolescent stage or around 30 – 50 grams, I immediately change to spot feeding.

Spot Feeding: Spot feeding is less tedious and more successful, since it is less distressing and I can deliberately screen how my fishes are eating.

Spot feeding is fundamentally me feeding my fishes in a single spot.

I have a go at getting my fishes to eat in one spot once they achieve 30 – 50 grams, or following 2 – 3 weeks of stocking them from adolescent stage.

At to begin with, in the event that they are accustomed to eating utilizing the communicate style, the majority of the fishes won't go to a specific spot to eat; in any case, by ONLY feeding them on that spot for a couple of days, they'll be adapted to go to that spot and eat.

Purchasing Catfish Feed versus Making Your Feed

In the brief span that I've been around here, I've understood that you'll be more gainful on the off chance that you make your own feed rather than purchasing feed from significant makers.

A few farmers depend on floating feed from makers like Durante and Aqua Feed to develop their fishes, however because of the costly idea of these fishes, it can be unbeneficial on the long haul.

On the off chance that you figure out how to make your own particular feed, however, you'll spare significantly more cash and you can have more effect on your fishes since you can without much of a stretch control what they are eating.

All things considered, I prescribe purchasing feed from feed makers like Raanan or Aqua Feed until the point that your fishes achieve 200 – 300 grams, and after that giving them nearby feed.

Protein is the primary fixing in angle feed, and each great feed recipe contains a lot of protein; be that as it may, angles still need vitality, chiefly found in starch, to process and process the feed so a protein-just feed won't be ideal.

My Fish Feed Formula

All things considered, here's the recipe I use for my fishes relying upon the stage they are at; this equation utilizes the Hhanstholm 72% fish feast; I utilize neighborhood angle that can be arrived in Nigeria relying upon accessibility, however there is a great deal of changes in their accessibility, which turned out to be particularly articulated amid the 2015 races, guaranteeing there hasn't been nearby fish that fish farmers can use for more than 2 months now at the season of composing this, so I'm giving an equation in view of the Hanstholm 72% fish dinner, since this is constantly accessible:

Feed Formula for 200 – 600 Grams Catfish

Your catfishes are still little and delicate at this stage, so they require quality supplement in their feed; this equation brings about a feed rich in great protein yet it is somewhat costly; it isn't as costly as utilizing floating feed, however.

You should just need to utilize this feed recipe for around 1 – 2 months.

Fish dinner (Hanstholm, 72%): 25%

Soya Meal (or full fat soya): 30%

GNC (Groundnut cake): 20%

Batter/Maize/Biscuit (or other primary types of vitality/starch): 20%

Molasses: 5%

(In light of this recipe, 1 ton of fish feed will have: 250kg fish supper, 300kg soya feast, 200kg GNC, 200kg Dough, 50kg molasses)

The above are the primary fixings; you would then be able to utilize different fixings, for example, DCP (Dicalcium Phosphate), Methionine, Lysine, Salt, Vit. C, Fish Premixes, Antibiotics, and so forth as per your inclination.

Feed Formula for 600 Grams or more

Fish feast (Hanstholm, 72%): 10%
Soya Meal (or full fat soya): 40%
GNC (Groundnut cake): 20%
Mixture/Maize/Biscuit (or other principle types of vitality/sugar): 25%
Molasses: 5%

(In view of this recipe, 1 ton of fish feed will have: 100kg fish feast, 400kg soya supper, 200kg GNC, 250kg Dough, 50kg molasses)

The above are the fundamental fixings; you would then be able to utilize different fixings, for example, DCP (Dicalcium Phosphate), Methionine, Lysine, Salt, Vit. C, Fish Premixes, Antibiotics, and so forth as indicated by your inclination.

PS. In my own particular case, for 1 ton of feed I utilize the accompanying: DCP (Dicalcium Phosphate): 10kg, Methionine: 1kg, Lysine: 1kg, Salt: 2 – 3kg, Vit. C: 1kg, Fish Premixes: 5kg, Antibiotics: Optional, unless my fishes are debilitated (in which case the amount relies upon the anti-toxins utilized; it's frequently around 500g to 2kg for 1 ton of feed,


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