
Showing posts from May, 2017

Citrus Fruit Cultivation

Soil selection Sandy loam is best for the cultivation of Citrus. The most important factor in the choice of site is free/drainage of water. Soils with an underlying hardpan of about 1m or less to the top mock soils, or slain sites are not suitable. Apart from these, citrus can be grown on a wide range of soil types. Citrus is not shade loving, therefore clear the site of all tree stumps and plough before setting in the plants. Varieties Citrus consists of many species, some of which are not even edible. Some varieties of the edible ones have however been recommended to the public. These include: Species                                                                 Recommended varieties__________ Sweet Orange                                               Hamlin, Valencia, Agege Parson Brown, etc. grapefruit                                                      Durean, Marsh, Ruby Red, etc. Tangerine                                                      Dancy, Alger

Coconut Tree Cultivation and Processing

• A specialized nursery is needed to raise seedlings in large poly-bags to reach about 12 months of age. Initially, seeds would need to be imported, possibly as embryos that are transplanted into surrogate nuts. A possible source of high-value embryos could be the coconut research centre on Santo Island in Vanuatu. The cost of raising such planting material to the field-ready stage is not known (at least AUS$25/palm), but the technology for embryo transplanting has been developed by University of Queensland (Samosir and Adkins 2005). • Early management of the field planting could involve continuing to grow cane between the rows of young palms for 2 years, with a row spacing of 7–8 m. In the absence of an intercrop the ground cover would require regular mowing combined with chemical ring-weeding close to each palm. Cultivation for weed control between the palms is advised against as feeder roots are active close to the soil surface. • Young palms are fairly suscep

How to Plant Pawpaw

Variety Various accessions of land races and exotic varieties such as Homestead, Pink solo, Kapoho solo and JS.22 are available at the National Horticultural Research Institute (NIHORT). Since fruit size, shape, pulp color, and time of fruiting differ, advice must be sought in selecting which variety to plant. Nursery Although pawpaw may be planted directly in the orchard, considerable savings can be made on seeds and labor, by using transplanted seedlings raised in the nursery. Raise seedling from seeds extracted from ripe pawpaw fruits. Scrub the seeds lightly with sand to remove the gelatinous covering. Mix the slurry of sand with water; the bad seeds and gelatinous covering of the seed will float. These should be removed. Drain the good seeds and spread out in the shade to air dry. Sow the air-dried seed trays, polybags or any cont- -ainer which has rich moist topsoil by watering every other day. The seeds should germinate within 2 weeks and be ready for transplanting wi

How to plant and make Million from pepper planting

Peppers are used in stew and some local dishes all over the country although the types and quantities utilized vary in different areas. Varieties commonly produced The following varieties are widely grown in this country. Bird peppers—atawere (Capsicum frutescens) 1. Cayenne pepper or red pepper—Sombo (Capsicum frutescens) 2. Atarodo (Capsicum annum) 3. Tatase (Capsicum annum) The fruits of these types of pepper vary in size, color, shape, and pungency. They are all hot as bird pepper and cayenne pepper. Both bird pepper and cayenne pepper are used either fresh or dried; atarodo and tatase are mostly used fresh. Seedling production NURSERY PREPARATION Select a good soil medium for raising seedling. The soil should be rich, well- drained and free of diseases and insect pests. A soil mixture consisting of compost and topsoil in equal proportions can be used in making seed beds or filled in trays (30 x 45 x 8 cm) to produce the seedlings. Press the soil quite f

Starting a Poultry Farm for Beginners

Poultry farming is usually the business i recommend for retirees and individuals who are passionate about livestock farming. In the past, people were nonchalant  about breeding birds or cultivating crops for profits. But with the recent global burst in population and a worldwide demand for food, people are now beginning to realize the potential of providing the most important basic need of man. Poultry farming is a viable business anytime any day; and to be sincere with you, it’s a business I have been considering for some time now. Below are reasons why I consider poultry farming a profitable business? 3 Factors that makes Poultry Farming a Profitable Business There are a lot of factors that make poultry farming business a profitable one but I will be highlighting only three major factors: Food is one of the basic needs of man. Regardless of the economic situation, human beings must feed and since domestic birds are consumable; that makes poultry farming feas