
Showing posts from January, 2018

How to Improve FCR and Reduce Feed Cost in Poultry

How to Improve FCR and Reduce Feed Cost in Poultry? In poultry farming, feed efficiency is a main unpredictable to determine the cost of a kilogram of poultry meat (Duck,chicken, turkey ...). Depending on the country and species concerned the amount of feed in a broiler’s ration ranges from 40 to 70% of the rate of production. The Feed Conversion Ratio, which varies depending on the type of production applied, is always a very helpful benchmark to establish the profitability of a farm. Should one aim to increase the revenue of their poultry enterprise, it is important to know how to improve the Feed Conversion Ratio and how to reduce the feed costs. Industrial and economic assessment and monitoring variables in poultry production The feed conversion ratio (FCR) is the amount of feed ingested by an animal which can be converted into one kilo of live weight. This definition also applies to a single-age poultry flock held in an enclosed house. It is important that this house

Catfish Farming Step - How to feed your Fishes

In this article on stocking your pond, I said you can stock your pond with fundamentally 4 kinds of catfishes: Fingerlings (3 to 4 grams) Post-fingerlings (4 – 6 grams) Adolescent (6 – 10 grams) Post-adolescent (10 grams or more) With regards to feeding catfishes, there's nobody estimate fits all feed; there's a ton of varieties and variables to be thought about relying upon the extent of your fishes. Type of Catfish Feed Since there are distinctive phases of catfish development, there are diverse phases of fish feed; angle feed are regularly signified in mm, so you'll see/find out about 1.5mm feed, 1.8mm feed, 2mm feed, 4mm feed, 6mm feed and so on. There's likewise sink (or floating) and non-sink (or sinking) feed. Expelled (floating) catfish feed Expelled (floating) catfish feed What I prescribe is to give your fishes expelled (or floating) feed for up to 2 months before changing to the non-expelled (or sinking) feed. Non-expelled (si