Snail Farming 

The cultivating of land snails is called heliciculture, and it's an exceptionally lucrative business wander for the professionals.

Certain sorts of snails are favored for business cultivating due to their size and the amount of meat they deliver. Numerous types of snails that are useful for cultivating are found in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa. Every zone has distinctive species that flourish in changed situations.

Not all snails are devoured by people; some can be out and out dangerous. Some have different utilizations: many create substances utilized by restorative makers. Fortunately most expansive land snails are edible and are an exceedingly looked for after delicacy that pulls in a top notch cost in the commercial center.

Natural surroundings for Snails 

Snails are nighttime and can be found in various natural surroundings from forests to open fields, bloom overnight boardinghouses to clammy sand rises and under vegetation. Many are found in Europe, India, Africa and the Middle East.

What Do Snails Eat?

The snail notwithstanding its clear drowsiness is an exceptionally insatiable feeder, contingent upon the selection of rarities in its quick condition. Snails eat organic products, vegetables like cabbage, minuscule green growth and clammy leaves like banana or plantain leaves or lettuce.

Snails love lettuce and most vegetables we eat; they can likewise chow down on carrots, mangoes and apples. Snails lean toward eating living plants, and you can likewise discover them eating certain mushrooms and fallen takes off.

Other essential sustenance hotspots for your territory snail can incorporate green growth, rotting leaves, blooms, and the bark of trees. Snails likewise effectively look for calcium since it is an essential fixing that helps construct their shells. Snails are not entirely herbivores but rather more like omnivores since they are sharp feeders.

Snails likewise drink water so ranchers ought to give a wellspring of water that is effectively reachable.

Beginning an Escargot Business 

The escargot business is lucrative and pulls in a top notch cost for snails that are hand-raised in snail ranches. The business can incorporate the raising, wholesaling or retailing of snails to clients and end clients.

Escargot representatives must be familiar with the guidelines and controls of the nation they work. You can focus on the best types of snails in your region. At that point fabricate your pen in a sodden, sticky territory with great soil and stock with top notch snails.

Acquaint worms with help release the dirt, and give your snails crisp vegetables and natural products. Keep in mind calcium is essential and legitimate egg circulation fundamental. Source neighborhood and worldwide purchasers like general stores, eateries, meat shops and the open market.
Farming Snails

Snail cultivating is tied in with social event the correct assets, similar to dampness and temperature controls, the kind of pen required and the nature of the dirt. Different contemplations are the sourcing of sustenance and arrangement of calcium which constitutes 97% of the snail's shell.

Atmosphere control is essential, particularly gadgets like sprinklers to keep the dirt wet. Defensive pens that are vermin confirmation are required. Snails can be eaten or murdered by reptiles, winged animals and rodents. They are shockingly versatile so keeping them sheltered and secure ought to be your main need.

The hardware expected to cultivate snails incorporate open air pens or indoor plastic passages for rearing. Atmosphere control gear like sprinklers and humidifiers is imperative, to keep the temperature go from 16° to 24°C.

A seepage framework and satisfactory dampness are critical, with soil whose segments are incompletely sand and mud in addition to added substances like limestone (for calcium), polyacrylamide, and magnesium.

A pen can be made out of aroused sheet metal, wire cloth, wood or piece material. There ought to be simple access and it ought to be fenced or secured to forestall predators like rats. A plastic pipe system can likewise be brought into the pen. A sprinkler framework and hardware to gauge dampness levels is critical.

You are allowed to investigate distinctive sorts of fenced in areas that can give shade, great soil and legitimate temperature, and keep the snails from getting away.

Edible Land Snails

The two main genuses that farmers like are Helix and Achatina, but other smaller snail types are also farmed. Snail species regularly farmed in Europe include Helix aspersa and Helix pomatia, while the giant snail species are farmed in Africa.
Achatina fulica, the giant African snail, aka "tiger stripes," is the largest land snail in the world.
Helix includes Helix aspersaHelix lucorumHelix aperta and Helix pomatia, while Achatina includes Achatina fulica and four other species. Other snail types farmed for meat and other commercial purposes are Otala lactealIberus alonensisCepaea nemoralisCepaea hortensisOtala punctataEobania vermiculataTheba pisanaand many more.

Some Edible Snails

Scientific Name
Otala lacteal
24-37 mm
Cepaea nemoralis
27 mm max
Helix aspersa
Europe, US, New Zealand, Southern Africa
Cepaea hortensis
about 22 mm
Eobania vermiculata
22-32 mm
Helix lucorum
25-45 mm
Helix aperta
Europe and North Africa
22-28 mm
Achatina fulica
20-328 mm

Achatina fulica

Achatina fulica measures around twenty-one centimeters (21cm) in length and seven point five centimeters (7.5cm) in height, though it can be much larger. The coiling on the shell is either clockwise or anticlockwise. The snail is usually brownish in color and the color depends on what the snail eats and its environment.
The diet includes leaves, fruits, algae, worms and vegetables.
Achatina fulica is an invasive species that lives in warm climates, with subspecies like the Achatina fulica hamilieAchatina fulica rodatzAchatina sinistrosa and Achatina fulica umbilicata. The snail grows easily in warm regions of Africa and can be found in Ghana, Nigeria, Togo and may West African countries.
They love food-and shelter-plants like plantains and bananas and can be found living in the soil around such plants or under the large flat leaves.
Snails as Food 

Snails can be added to stew, overflowed with vinegar, seared, flame broiled, stewed or cooked in zesty sauces. They are a tasty wellspring of protein with less wellbeing dangers than red meat. Snails ought to be completely cleaned and cooked to anticipate contamination, particularly if reaped from nature. 

Snail meat can be discovered canned, bubbled and salted, singed in oil and filled in as bites, or cooked and spiced.


Snail farming can profit on the grounds that the animals duplicate quickly under ideal conditions. They pull in high costs yet require time and tolerance. Before wandering into the business attempt to visit a snail homestead and read numerous instructional materials to get a more extensive thought. 

Snails are living things and are additionally inclined to affliction and sickness, so begin little and take in the exchange while approaching your customary activity or different things.


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