How to plant Plant Cassava

It is deplorable to see numerous Nigerians go to bed eager, enduring of starvation and lack of healthy sustenance. We continually whine of absence of good paying employments and no cash to spend and deal with our prompt needs. In push to land positions, we offer themselves into subjection in the hands of Chinese and Lebanese ideal in their own particular nation all for the sake of working in a production line. While as a general rule, we are perched on a goldmine known as cassava cultivating and generation!

Cassava can grow well in many parts of West Africa like Ghana, Senegal, Benin Republic, Nigeria, and Cameroon. The Brazilians are likewise know for cassava cultivating which they use for Tapioca creation.
How to Select Site For Your Cassava Farming

It is important to choose an accessible well-drained fertile soil for Cassava plantation, Take sample of the soil where you want to start your cassava farming to the IITA to help determine whether the soil is suitable for high yield cassava variety.While most forest lands within the South West are known to be very fertile for cassava farming, it is important to further verify in other to be sure of your investment.

Cassava Varieties

For good cassava production, the following varieties are recommended for their high yield and processing quality: NR8083, TMS 4(2) 1425,TMS 30572, NR 8082,  TMS 81/00110, TMS 92/0326. An additional 10 varieties are in the process of being released. Check from the cassava production specialists in Ibadan.

HOW TO Prepare Your land before Planting
Herbicide – Round up (a glyphosate) should be applied to the land where you want to plant your cassava at the rate of 4–5 l/ha 10 days before land preparation. For cost effectiveness and optimum plant population of your cassava , mechanization and planting on ridges are recommended.

It is recommended that 5 (50 kg) bags of agricultural lime be applied per/ha during land preparation.
Planting material
1. Cassava Planting starts in April and can be extended to October.
2. The quantity of cassava recommended for one ha is 60 bundles of cassava stem.
3. Cassava Stem cuttings 25 cm long should be planted at a spacing of 1 m x 1 m.
4. Maintain 100% cassava planting rate by replacing dead or nonviable stems.
Post-planting weed control

Where an aggregate herbicide was not utilized before arrive planning for cassava ranch, it is suggested that a particular pre-rise herbicide be connected inside three days subsequent to planting. Five liters of Primextra is prescribed/ha.

4. Types Of Fertilizer To Use

The following fertilizers and their rate/ha are recommended
• NPK 20:10:10–9 (50 kg) bags
• NPK 12:12:17–15 (50 kg) bags
• NPK 15:15:15–12 (50 kg) bags

Apply fertilizer at 8 weeks after planting your cassava. Apply fertilizer in a ring, 6 cm wide and 10 cm from the plant or broadcast with care around the cassava plant, making sure the fertilizer does not touch the cassava stem or leaves.
Cassava Yield of 25 t/ha and above can be obtained with good agronomic practices and management. Therefore, every step must be taken seriously in the process of planting your cassava.Note 

To lessen cost of generation and accomplish exceptional returns, it is suggested that land readiness be completely automated. A power tiller can be utilized if the aggregate land zone under development isn't more than 250ha Cassava Production Like This Will Make You Millions of Naira
Production cost for one hectare of cassava
Land preparation …………………………………………… N10,000.00
Cassava cuttings (60 bundles @ N300/bundle) ………………N18,000.00
Planting (4 person at N1000/pd) …………………………………..N4,000.00
Pre-emergence herbicides (5 liters at N1000/l) ………………..N5,000.00
Fertilizer (20:10:10, 9 bags at N2500/bag) ……………………..N22,000.00
Insecticides (2 liters at N1000/l) ……………………………………N3,000.00
Application of herbicide ……………………………………………….N3,000.00
Application of insecticide ………………………………………………N 3,000.00
Application of fertilizer (4 persons at N1,000/pd) ……………..N4,000.00
One weeding (10 person at N1,000/pd) …. ……………………..N10,000.00
Harvesting (15 person at N1,500/pd). …………………………….N17,500.00
Total ……………………………………………………………………….. N100,000.00
Note: Fixed capital investments are not included. Such capital investments include knapsack or boom sprayers, tractors or power tillers, stem cutters, planters, and harvesters. With planters and harvesters, manual labor use can be minimized.


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