Practical Guide to Daily Broiler care and Management

Broiler poultry farming is a lucrative business. Generally highly meat productive birds or poultry breeds are called broiler poultry. But broiler chicken is a special species of poultry, which is a great secret. Only four countries of the world know about this secret and they supply and maintain all the demand of broiler chickens. Broilers are like other common poultry birds. But this broiler is made in a scientific way for producing more meat in a short time. Basically, broilers are only for meat production.

Selecting Broiler for Business: There are many breeds of broiler. Before selecting broilers for business the farmer have to maintain some process. Those important steps are described below:
§  The broiler chick of one day should weigh between 36 to 40 grams.
§  It is found that if day old broiler has good weight then it will give great return when you will sell them.
§  To get more and affordable benefits from broiler poultry farming the farmer should select the good and high productive breeds for business.
§  As broiler convert food to meat so provide them high quality food.
§  The farmer has to ensure high ratio of protein and calorie in broiler chicken food.
  • For the chicken of 0-6 weeks the food should contain 22.24% protein and 2900-3000 metabolic heat.
  • Among the amino acid, lycine and methionine is very essential and important in broiler poultry food. Because this acids helps to enhance chicken health, and help to convert food to meat.
  • In broiler food the ratio of fiber should not more than 6 percent.
  • Vitamin A, B2, D3, B12 and K are extensive requirements to broiler food.
§  Potassium, Iodine, Manganese sulphate and Zinc carbonate should mixed well separately and feed the chicken.
§   A little amount of disinfectant should mix in broiler food and this will keep the chick free from diseases.
§  Housing: The broiler house should place east-west direction. Ventilation system must be well accompanied. The regular distance from one house to another house will be 11-12 meters (35-40 feet). The house should clean well before bringing the chick to the farm. The insects like lice, mosquito, should run off with blow lamp. Heating system of the space of baby chicken should observed well 48 hours before the chick reach the farm? The temperature of the house should 350°. 7 squire inch of space per chick is required. Always keep a moderate number of chick, it will keep the chicken healthy.
Feed and Water
Proper and high quality feed is the main thing to success in broiler poultry farming. Broiler poultry consume feed and convert them to meat. So, to be success the farmer should conscious in feed management. Broiler poultry needs high ratio of protein in their feed to grow well. They should also provide proper vitamin like A, B2, D3, B12 and K to meet their needs. Broiler poultry eats feed and water whole day and night. So, make sure the supply of feed and water all time. Along with feed, fresh and clean water is very important. Broiler poultry takes a lot of water every day. Make the water available all time to their cage. In winter season farmer should supply warm water. However, to be successful the farmer must have to be more careful in feed and water management.
§  For the first few days you can serve feed in egg carton.
§  2.5 cm space is required per chick until they reach 1 week.
§  For the first time you can fill the feeder fully, but don’t do that when they grow enough. It reduces the food waste.
§  Provide the feed four time a day.
§  Provide fresh and clean water all time.
§  Water pot should keep as much as possible according to the number of chicken.
§  You have to keep in mind that broiler takes more water than layer chicken. The broiler chicken takes more water in summer season.
Temperature is very important in broiler poultry farming. You should check the temperature of the broiler chicken house 48 hours before bringing the chick to the farm. For the first week the temperature of the rood would be 350°c and it will reduce at the rate 2.80°c per week, it mostly depend on the outside temperature. The litter of the chicken would between 5-6 inch depth. If possible keep some straw in the chicken bed. The chicken bed should clean twice a week with spade. If the condition of the bed is very wet then you can use lime because it absorbs the ammonia gas.
There is no problem about the marketing of broiler chicken. It has a great demand throughout the world. Almost all people like to consume it. So, the farmer should not take any tension about the marketing of broiler chicken.
Special Care for Broiler
To do a profitable broiler poultry farming business the farmer must have to be careful about some fact which are described below.
§  In broiler production food cost is high. Food cost becomes 60-65 percent of total cost.
§  You should not provide much fat in broiler food. But you have to provide this in warm weather.
§  Broiler poultry can consume 64 percent of protein from its food.
§  Broiler consumes more food in raining season than dry season.

If you will like to formulate your broiler feed yourself, Get our  BROILER STARTER FORMULA and FINISHER FORMULA ebook for  N500 
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