Pay a visit to Lagos Island, or Oshodi where they sell bulk materials, pick good designs and I tell you they guys who will sew it for you are just within the same Market. You can start will less than 100k and diligently grow your money. 2. Shirt Production : A sweet side hustle. There are tailors in Lagos Island or better learn the skill it will save you all the heartbreaks imaginable. Taiwo Street in Lagos Island is where you should be. Materials ranging from 700 – 1k per yard, sew for 1500/2k, Sell for 5-7k. 3. Boxers : Schedule a trip to Aba Market, The cost of production of boxers, you can get one for as low as N300, all you need is to package it in 3s, and market these babies properly beg your friend on twitter for RTs, we buy 3s pack boxers for 1500-2500 sell yours for 1200 gradually grow. 4. E-Payments and POS Business: You can a get POS machine from your Bank, and activate online banking: If you live in a place where banks a...