Citrus Fruit Cultivation
Soil selection Sandy loam is best for the cultivation of Citrus. The most important factor in the choice of site is free/drainage of water. Soils with an underlying hardpan of about 1m or less to the top mock soils, or slain sites are not suitable. Apart from these, citrus can be grown on a wide range of soil types. Citrus is not shade loving, therefore clear the site of all tree stumps and plough before setting in the plants. Varieties Citrus consists of many species, some of which are not even edible. Some varieties of the edible ones have however been recommended to the public. These include: Species Recommended varieties__________ Sweet Orange Hamlin, Valencia, Agege Parson Brown, etc. grapefruit Durean, Marsh, Ruby Red, etc. Tangerine Dancy, Alger